Why You Can Spend More Time on Your Phone and Less Time Mocking Synchronous Dependencies and Spelling “Unnecessarily”

We have a function, addDate, that we want to test.
import { addDateMapper } from "./module-addDate-depends-on.ts";
const addDate = (arr: Array<{ id: string }>): Array<{ id: string; date: Date }> => { const arrWithDate = addDateMapper(arr);
return arrWithDate;};
addDate pulls in a mapping utility, addDateMapper, which is synchronous, takes an array and adds a date field for each entry.
How would you test addDate? Well, we know it depends on addDateMapper so surely we need to mock it out?
describe("addDate", () => { it("adds a date field to each entry in an array", () => { const input = [{ id: 1 }]; const mockAddDateMapperResponse = [{ id: 1, date: Date.now() }];
const response = await addDate(input);
expect(response).toEqual(mockAddDateMapperResponse); });});
Success. We have a test for addDate. We have reached coverage nirvana. Namaste. But did we need to mock addDateMapper? To answer this we’ll need to answer the question, “why do we mock”?
Why Do We Mock?
Unit testing involves focusing on one element of the software at a time—hence the common term unit testing. The problem is that to make a single unit work, you often need other units. To accommodate for these other collaborating units, tests must make use of a Test Double—a generic term for any kind of pretend object used in place of a real object for testing purposes. We introduce Test Double’s when the real object our test depends on is awkward to work with. A mock is an example of a Test Double.
We mock when using the real implementation of a dependency would overly complicate our test. Take fetch as an example. Many things can go wrong with an API call—servers can fail, networks can go down, strange response codes might appear, or data might get corrupted. If you used the real fetch in your test, you’d have to handle all these potential issues. Suddenly, you’re spending more time making sure fetch works correctly than testing what you actually came to test.
So, back to our original question, “Did we need to mock addDateMapper?“. Well, is addDateMapper “awkward to work with”? Is it comparable to fetch? Nope. Not at all. We don’t need to mock it.
No Cap? We Don’t Need to Mock addDateMapper?
Bet. We don’t need to mock it at all. Sounds like you finally have some time to confirm if the rumours about the French pole vaulter are true.
describe("addDate", () => { it("adds a date field to each entry in an array", () => { const input = [{ id: 1 }]; const mockAddDateMapperResponse = [{ id: 1, date: Date.now() }]; const mockExpectedResponse = [{ id: 1, date: Date.now() }];
const response = addDate(input);
expect(response).toEqual(mockAddDateMapperResponse); expect(response).toEqual(mockExpectedResponse); });});
We can depend on the real implementation of addDateMapper. Notice how much this simplifies our test. We aren’t tied up with setting up and defining the mock behaviour of addDateMapper. We are honed in on testing addDate. All our focus sits with verifying the function of addDate. This is much more in line with the purpose of the test.
Imagine if we fudged up the behavior of the addDateMapper mock, causing it to return something incorrect. Sure, we’d probably catch the mistake with some angry red squiggles. But what if we didn’t? Then the contract of addDate would be wrong, and the test’s expression of addDate would no longer match the real one. That’s a problem—especially if we think of our tests as documentation for what they’re testing.
This leads me to a good rule of thumb.
### Only Mock Asynchronous Dependencies
What if we tweaked our addDate function so that it called some async function in addition to our existing workflow? Let’s have this asyncFuncion
take our mapped response and perform some asynchronous job with it and then return it as output.
Remember this is a very contrived example. Save your “are you stupid?“‘s for the mirror.
import { addDateMapper, asyncFunction } from "./module-addDate-depends-on.ts";
const addDate = async (arr: Array<{ id: string }>): Promise<Array<{ id: string; date: Date }>> => { const arrWithDate = addDateMapper(arr);
const response = await asyncFunction(arrWithDate);
return response;};
Given our rule around only mocking asynchronous dependencies, our test would become.
import { asyncFunction } from "./module-addDate-depends-on.ts";
describe("addDate", () => { it("adds a date field to each entry in an array", async () => { const input = [{ id: 1 }]; const mockExpectedResponse = [{ id: 1, date: Date.now() }];
const response = await addDate(input);
expect(asyncFunction).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(asyncFunction).toBeCalledWith(mockExpectedResponse); });});
And it’d pass, right?
It’d fail. It’d fail because we’ve mocked the whole module-addDate-depends-on.ts module but haven’t provided mock behaviour for addDateMapper dependency. But didn’t I say we didn’t have to mock addDateMapper because it is a synchronous dependency? I did. But in mocking out the asynchronous dependency we have told the test to expect mocks for all other exports from the module-addDate-depends-on.ts module, which includes the synchronous addDateMapper utility. Annoying, right? And so our test becomes.
import { asyncFunction, addDateMapper } from "./module-addDate-depends-on.ts";
describe("addDate", () => { it("adds a date field to each entry in an array", async () => { const input = [{ id: 1 }]; const mockExpectedResponse = [{ id: 1, date: Date.now() }];
const response = await addDate(input);
expect(addDateMapper).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(addDateMapper).toBeCalledWith(input);
expect(asyncFunction).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(asyncFunction).toBeCalledWith(mockExpectedResponse); });});
There are a few points of frustration with this test.
First, the test has become tangled with mock implementations. Instead of zeroing in on addDate, we’re caught up in setting up and checking the mock behaviour of its sidekicks—addDateMapper and asyncFunction.
Second, we’ve opened the door to what I’d call mocking creep. If addDate pulls in another dependency from module-addDate-depends-on.ts, we’d have to mock that too. It’s unnecessary. It clutters the test. The same goes for any constants in play. Mocking a constant? That’s a waste of time, plain and simple.
Thankfully we can avoid this nonsense entirely.
🪖 Corporal Jest, Use The Real Implementation
We can tell Jest to use the real implementation of our synchronous addDateMapper dependency. We do this by pulling in the real module with the requireActual API.
const mockAsyncFunction = jest.fn();
jest.mock("./module-addDate-depends-on.ts", () => ({ ...jest.requireActual("./module-addDate-depends-on.ts"), asyncFunction: mockAsyncFunction,}));
describe("addDate", () => { it("adds a date field to each entry in an array", async () => { const input = [{ id: 1 }]; const mockExpectedResponse = [{ id: 1, date: Date.now() }];
const response = await addDate(input);
expect(asyncFunction).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(asyncFunction).toBeCalledWith(mockExpectedResponse); });});